• 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 garlic clove, minced
  • 1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
  • 1 tsp yellow mustard
  • 1 tbsp soy sauce

This steak marinade recipe is so incredibly fantastic. This was my first time trying this steak marinade and my steaks turned out so juicy and flavorful. Keep in mind that the longer your cook your steak the less tender it will be. I’m no steak expert, but I believe the ideal steak should be cooked to medium, the internal temperature of the steak should be 126 degrees Fahrenheit.) Also your steak quality will be largely determined by what kind of steak you buy, the more money you’re willing to spend the better your steak will turn out.

World’s Best Steak Marinade Recipe

Mix mustard, balsamic vinegar, Worcestershire sauce, minced garlic, olive oil and soy sauce together to create your steak marinade and place steaks in a large zip lock bag. Marinate steaks for a minimum of 8 hours – overnight would result in the best steak!

Steak Marinade Recipe

Steak Marinade Recipe

Grill your steaks to your personal preference. The most important thing to remember when grilling steaks is not to touch them. Place them down – leave them alone. Turn them, once. If you continuously poke or flip your meat you’re going to make it tough. Our goal here is beautiful, juicy, tender steaks.

Steak Marinade Recipe

Steak Marinade Recipe

I’m drooling.

Steak Marinade Recipe

Steak Marinade Recipe
